Pulled two all nighters in a row, went back to school everyday even though it was supposedly my summer holidays (well not really, I still had portfolio and viscom and history and build tech assignments)... bao was chaos. It also drove me into a diet of Subway and Starbucks. One for lunch and one for dinner, accompanied with lots and lots of junk food and fruits in the studio. I'm scared for my turn this time next year now. :(
Year Three Bao 2013
One week of hell, next year it's my turn!
Pulled two all nighters in a row, went back to school everyday even though it was supposedly my summer holidays (well not really, I still had portfolio and viscom and history and build tech assignments)... bao was chaos. It also drove me into a diet of Subway and Starbucks. One for lunch and one for dinner, accompanied with lots and lots of junk food and fruits in the studio. I'm scared for my turn this time next year now. :(

Pulled two all nighters in a row, went back to school everyday even though it was supposedly my summer holidays (well not really, I still had portfolio and viscom and history and build tech assignments)... bao was chaos. It also drove me into a diet of Subway and Starbucks. One for lunch and one for dinner, accompanied with lots and lots of junk food and fruits in the studio. I'm scared for my turn this time next year now. :(
Impromptu Lunch!
Hello! I'm done with Year 3 bao finally, and had about 14 hours of sleep last night after my two consecutive all nighters and God knows how many nights of just 3 hours of sleep... woot finally free to update my blog again! Well not really, I still have one more deadline and Year 5 bao. But whatever.
The other day (I'm not sure exactly what day it was cos the previous few days just blended into one LONGGGG day for me. Consequences of all nighters lol) I met up with Sarah, Vikki, Etonia, Jungbin and Zoe for lunch! It was an impromptu meet up, like suddenly Sarah texted me the night before and asked me to go for lunch. I wasn't going to go because I had so much work, but I didn't want to miss out because of stupid school work so I decided to risk it.
We ate at the Brunch Club! I really craved dried chicken breast but this wasn't as good as Outback :( lol my friends were like "WHY DRIED CHICKEN?!" idk why, but the drier the chicken the better. Best if it absorbs all my saliva lmao.

Random pictures in Starbucks without Vikki. It was good that we went to Starbucks afterwards because it meant that I could work on my portfolio while catching up! And it makes a much better working environment than at home or at school :)
Lunch Buffet at Hotel Icon
Yaaay, another one of those once-a-month buffets with my family! :D Long story short, ever since my mum quit her job (because she was unhappy), she's been so bored she requested that we eat one nice meal every month haha.
I missed the nice meal in April though, cos I was busy with school work and I would've felt waaay too guilty going out to eat nice food when everyone else was working their asses off :( but nvm cos I think the April meal wasn't a buffet. AND I ONLY LIKE BUFFETS. Buffets = heaven for binging. Binging without guilt. Woops.
This time we went to The Market at Hotel Icon in Tsim Sha Tsui! Super yummy!
(I looked forward to the buffet so much I began researching and looking at reviews of the restaurant as soon as my mum told me we were eating in Hotel Icon. Like I already knew how the buffet would be set up and what food would be served omg I'm such a freak)

Okay the apple crumble was SERIOUSLY heaven! I kept going back for more, I ate like the whole serving tray outside and the chef was like, "hi. maybe you should leave some for the others"
OMG I was so embarrassed. He was joking but still -_-
Though tbh, I'm kind of used to people making snarky or sarcastic comments about how much I eat and the types of food I eat... Ha ha I have such peculiar taste when it comes to food, like I hate sauce and I really like my chicken grilled so dried it becomes tasteless and sucks up all my saliva xD and I love eating plain bread by itself, five or more slices at once, untoasted... my friends think I'm such a weirdo HAHAHA.
Anyway, the buffet was REALLY good! Highly recommend it, and it's actually not that expensive, around $420 per person I think?! Super worth it because you spend pretty much that much when you eat a nice brunch out anyway... or something. I think I prefer the JW Marriott Hotel buffet more though, only because they had more food that suited my odd taste? HAHA.
Still. The apple crumble was HEAVEN. A must-eat! :D
I missed the nice meal in April though, cos I was busy with school work and I would've felt waaay too guilty going out to eat nice food when everyone else was working their asses off :( but nvm cos I think the April meal wasn't a buffet. AND I ONLY LIKE BUFFETS. Buffets = heaven for binging. Binging without guilt. Woops.
This time we went to The Market at Hotel Icon in Tsim Sha Tsui! Super yummy!
(I looked forward to the buffet so much I began researching and looking at reviews of the restaurant as soon as my mum told me we were eating in Hotel Icon. Like I already knew how the buffet would be set up and what food would be served omg I'm such a freak)
Okay the apple crumble was SERIOUSLY heaven! I kept going back for more, I ate like the whole serving tray outside and the chef was like, "hi. maybe you should leave some for the others"
OMG I was so embarrassed. He was joking but still -_-
Though tbh, I'm kind of used to people making snarky or sarcastic comments about how much I eat and the types of food I eat... Ha ha I have such peculiar taste when it comes to food, like I hate sauce and I really like my chicken grilled so dried it becomes tasteless and sucks up all my saliva xD and I love eating plain bread by itself, five or more slices at once, untoasted... my friends think I'm such a weirdo HAHAHA.
Anyway, the buffet was REALLY good! Highly recommend it, and it's actually not that expensive, around $420 per person I think?! Super worth it because you spend pretty much that much when you eat a nice brunch out anyway... or something. I think I prefer the JW Marriott Hotel buffet more though, only because they had more food that suited my odd taste? HAHA.
Still. The apple crumble was HEAVEN. A must-eat! :D
Post-Design Life So Far :)
So it's been slightly over one week since my design final. It's not summer yet, I still have assignments up till the 29th of May and I have to do bao (help my senior with his final) until the 8th of June but I'm already on holiday mode... which is really, really bad. :( But anyway, here are some pics of my post-design life so far, before they pile up!

Oh and GREAT NEWS!!! Ok this is not great news for anyone but me and my friends lol but I just felt like writing it down here...
I'm going to Korea with my girls!!! :D
We wanted to go back in October during reading week in Shanghai. Needless to say, it failed cos we were so wishy-washy and last minute about it. We're last minute this time too, cos we're going on the 30th (RIGHT after our last deadline), so we basically booked the tickets less than two weeks before the trip...
But omg I'm so excited!!! I actually want to Thailand or somewhere sunny in SE Asia :( but the others wanted to go to Korea more, which I'm fine with, except I went twice in Summer 2011... well I guess it's not that bad, I'll get to experience it with a different group of friends.
Yeah so I'm so happy right now :) so happy to have met such a great bunch of girls hahah!!! Hard to believe that one year ago I wasn't really close to Cherry and Maisie but now we're going on holiday together! I guess Shanghai really brought us together. Honestly I'm so lucky to have met such close friends in university, most people don't make friends for life after high school. :)
The Thursday right after final with my girls! Night out for Iron Man 3 and Lan Kwai Fong (except I got really sleepy after the movie so I went home while they all went clubbing. Oh dear I am a grandma)
We wanted to eat something nice for dinner and we spent the whole afternoon searching up places, but when it actually came to dinner time, there was a HUGE traffic from Sai Wan to Causeway Bay. We ended up being 30-40 mins late for the movie :( and we couldn't even have dinner, we had to eat AFTERWARDS at like 10pm. I was super grumpy.
Gotta love these girls for sticking by me though even though I was just lashing out at them hahaha cos I was SO pissed off without food!
First picture with Maisie!!! Haha we were saying how we had no selfcams together so we decided to take a few right away. To be fair though we didn't become close until the beginning of Year 2, when we went to Shanghai together.
Island East Markets (the last one!) with my one true love Clar! I felt so bad I was so late even though I live right next door to the market... I made her wait 40 mins argh :( It was raining that day so the covered area was crowded! But there were so many cute kids and families cos it was Mother's Day! (yeah I went out with a friend instead of my mum on Mother's Day. Worst daughter award)

We had Simplylife Café for lunch featuring my three attempts at a nice photo. None of them are nice. Plus I got my eyebrows overplucked the day before and I look so bitchy in my pics!!! Thank God they're growing out again, my eyebrows were fine before idk why I went ahead to get them done... =.=
"Mum, everyone's posting pictures of themselves and their mums on Facebook!"
"Okay lets take some too!"
Lunch before revision at Pumpernickel. The food was so-so and the service was REALLY slow (Maisie got really pissed off haha). We're so "bottomline", the history exam was a FINAL end-of-year exam and we started taking notes the day before - after a nice, long lunch. And I didn't even start memorising the notes until the morning of the exam... well... at least I'll pass I guess. LOL.
Post-history exam at Green Waffle Diner! First time going there omg the food was SO good! :)
Oh and GREAT NEWS!!! Ok this is not great news for anyone but me and my friends lol but I just felt like writing it down here...
I'm going to Korea with my girls!!! :D
We wanted to go back in October during reading week in Shanghai. Needless to say, it failed cos we were so wishy-washy and last minute about it. We're last minute this time too, cos we're going on the 30th (RIGHT after our last deadline), so we basically booked the tickets less than two weeks before the trip...
But omg I'm so excited!!! I actually want to Thailand or somewhere sunny in SE Asia :( but the others wanted to go to Korea more, which I'm fine with, except I went twice in Summer 2011... well I guess it's not that bad, I'll get to experience it with a different group of friends.
Yeah so I'm so happy right now :) so happy to have met such a great bunch of girls hahah!!! Hard to believe that one year ago I wasn't really close to Cherry and Maisie but now we're going on holiday together! I guess Shanghai really brought us together. Honestly I'm so lucky to have met such close friends in university, most people don't make friends for life after high school. :)
Fat Fuck is Back
I'm recognised as the biggest eater (a name that masks my embarrassing binge eating habits) out of all my friends... can't help it, I got so used to eating HUMONGOUS amounts back in high school because I could stay effortlessly skinny thanks to my high metabolism... sadly, that's not the case anymore. I swear my metabolism has just stopped since getting into university. This entry will be pictures of food I had during the last two weeks leading up to my design final. Was going through my phone and found tons of food pics that were just, well, sitting there. And it made me sad to know that no one would ever see the photos haha, because I don't want to upload them on Instagram even though that's kinda the logical thing to do. xD

Leftovers from dinner... I always end up eating leftovers for breakfast because for a long time during the month leading up to finals, I didn't go home for dinner. Like I literally didn't eat home-cooked food for two months, even though I went back every night to sleep? It was like I only went home to SLEEP and then the next morning I set off to school again. I lived with my parents but I barely saw them.
My new obsession - eating 5+ slices of plain bread every morning. I've been doing this daily since February, and I'm still doing it and it's mid-May! Call me fat, whatever, I don't give a shit anymore. My friends find it funny how I eat a whole family packet on the go without any condiments at all, but I really like the natural, no-sauce taste of BREAD. LOL.
Dried plums, another one of my obsessions. The only problem is, this packet isn't mine - it's Maisie's, and I basically ate the WHOLE packet of hers. I have yet to pay her back... I feel so bad :S
Became obsessed with Dressed as well. I think my friends and I went to eat it like twice a week in April hahaha. I even got Jason to buy it for me and bring it up to the studio during the last few days before final. And I ordered the same thing every time - the Detox Salad. THAT'S how obsessed I was.
More bread binging in the morning. 5+ loafs a morning of heavy, heavy bread when other people would eat one loaf a morning. =.=
The best thing in the world! Looks disgusting LOL but it's the vegetarian stuff my grandma cooks for Chinese new year. I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!
My first dinner home during the last week of finals, I think! First home-cooked dinner in two months.
My Outback addiction continues, and my burger addiction also began.
After mid-review with Cherry, Whitney and Maisie at Pizza Express! We got a free tiramisu cos I checked in to Pizza Express with Foursquare HAHA. Btw I am obsessed with Foursquare now... I know I know, I really have no life.
Chocolate buttons!
Last nice meal with the N's Girls one week before finals at Vivo. Wasn't that good, the food was expensive and salty. The others liked it but me, not so much.
Post finals at Outback once again with my girls. Yes I keep forcing people to go with me to Outback hahaha, I'm sorry, but it's just so good!
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