Shiet I'm blogging about this trip two months later... and I'm only on day 2 -.- Thankful the trip was only 5 days long and the activities were quite packed because otherwise I would've already forgotten all the details.
Two polaroids of our second day! :)
The second day was super eventful! We visited the Leeum Samsung Museum, went make-up shopping in Myeongdong, headed up to the Namsan Seoul Tower, then went to Lotte Mart! The three other girls even went to get drinks in Itaewon at night but I zoinked out cos I was soooo freaking exhausted. So essentially I guess we ticked all the boxes for touristy things to do in one day: art museum, shopping, site seeing, grocery shopping and night life! And of course FOOD! Haha!
Began the day by taking our OOTD photos! Haha every morning we searched for a nice background to take an individual shot, which wasn't difficult cos we lived in colourful Itaewon :) and we tried to have a dress code for all four days there (arrival day was an exception). Today's dress code was floral! I think we did pretty well haha.
Polaroid on the way down to brunch!
Went to Flying Pan Blue! We got the place from Whitney's tourist book. At first I didn't really feel enthusiastic about it cos there are two Flying Pans in Hong Kong already and I wanted to use my quota on something that was unique to Korea... but everyone else wanted to have it cos it was apparently the BEST brunch in Seoul. And it did not disappoint! It was so good, the best meal out of the whole trip might I say. And the portions were HUGEEEE!! We ordered four dishes and totally could not finish x_x
Oh but first, a selfcam with Maisie, lol.
Chicken salad! My favourite, it was my pick :P cos I really really REALLY love chicken and I'm a huge meat eater. I think I ate almost all of this dish, leaving none for the others ;P
I think this was poached eggs with salmon... or eggs benedict with salmon... or was it salmon sandwich?
Maple walnut banana pancake!
And omg stupid ass me forgot to get a picture of the last dish... -.- we have iphone pics but it's in such bad quality I don't want to upload it. The last dish we ordered was a mixture of sweet and salty, something like mushroom and ... a fruit pancake?!?!! I forgot.
The happy girls ready to dig in! Look how HUGE the portions were! Omg x.x
But of course we need pics first LOL. I think we spent like 10 minutes just snapping pics with our iphones, cameras, polaroids etc etc... typical Hong Kong girls. Oh and you can see the last unphotographed dish on the table here!
All full and unfinished.
Pictures outside the brunch place! The chairs were scorching hot in the sun, they fried my ass hahaha.
Seriously recommend this place! It completely exceeded my expectations, a MUST visit! :)
We then walked to the Leeum Samsung museum... haha such a cute giant pig on top of a random building.
SO CUTE! I love how Korea has tons of really cute buildings that Hong Kong doesn't.

Arrived! The interior was REALLY spacious and nice! Actually... we didn't go into the museum cos we had to pay and it didn't look that interesting xD we're fake architecture students... JUST JOKING I love architecture ok.

Even the car park was pretty! In terms of architecture, I mean.

Last group shot before we left.
We took the metro to Myeongdong...
Anddd arrival in Myeongdong! Also this is my favourite picture hehe :)
A really bad quality iphone picture of me holding our shopping bags. Didn't really buy a LOT but I bought quite a few things? And there were jars of like... lotions and stuff which was SUPER heavy and we had to drag everything up to the Seoul Tower. -.- we were SOOOO exhausted.
Famous rice rolls or something!! Loved it so much, the spiciness was sooo refreshing and good.
My favourite kimchi is the radish kimchi hehehee :D
Up the cable car to Seoul Tower!!! Don't be fooled, before getting to the cable car station we had to hike up half the mountain carrying our shopping loots. It was REALLY far away cos we walked from Myeongdong street... like SUPER... and we didn't really know the way so we took the LONG WAY AROUND -_-
The only picture on the cable car. Actually not really but the other ones are too ugly to be shown cos we were damn sweaty.
Hello to the mascot (?) of Namsan Tower!
Whitney and... oops I completely cut the tower out.

Two of the same pics, Whitney's camera vs Cherry's iphone. HAHA look at the quality difference!

Group picture! Lol our shopping bags are so distracting and ugly...

We kept spamming pictures of ourselves instead of enjoying the view xD
It was so funny cos whenever we asked someone to help us take a picture, we would "trap" them... cos they would need to use three devices - a camera, a phone then a polaroid camera LOL.

We stopped bothering strangers after a while and took the photo taking into our own hands (literally) (wow I am so punny)

Walked back down to the city afterwards! (after another cable car ride of course, we didn't walk the WHOLE mountain. Half is quite enough LOL) Originally we went to the Seoul tower at around 4-5pm cos we wanted to watch the sunset but we got bored and impatient and hungry... and it was REALLY cold! So yeah. Even though we were super tired and wanted to collapse, we followed our plan to the metro to go to Lotte Mart.
But before that a snack from the station HAHA fatties always eating.

Whitney in her element in the vegetable section of Lotte Mart!

Quick and cheap meal at the mart - which I had with Cherie two years ago! - to make up for our expensive brunch. Haha!
Oh and I didn't really buy any snacks... kind of weird cos when I went two years ago I went crazy with buying food. Cherry and Maisie bought a lot but no one in my family really eats snacks so it would've been a waste to buy so much food. BUT! I did buy like 3 different snacks and BTW two months later they still lie in my cupboard untouched. So who wants?
So that's the end of eventful day two! Like I mentioned already, we went back to our hostel and the girls went out to get drinks and chill but I was soooo tired... yet I slept like later than them (I basically waited for them to come back cos there was a guy showering in the shared toilet and I couldn't even use it). I was SOOO tired and in such a grumpy mood haha. No sleep + no poo + no food = grumpy Charmaine!
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