About two to three weeks ago, I met up with Mithila and Michael after work to grab dinner!
I'm not sure if Mithila will read this ha ha I remember she has a blog and is actually following me... anyway we ate at the Brunch Club in Causeway Bay (God, I always seem to go there for some reason) and just chilled in Hysan Place afterwards. It was nice catching up with my old Biology-class buddies :)
Mithila and I met up for a second time just before she flew back to Canada. We had Outback this time!
We were just reminiscing about the high school days, and if there's one thing I'm grateful for now that I think about it, is how we were separated in middle school. We were best friends throughout primary school, but we were cruelly separated by our teacher when we moved on to secondary school. Imagine having your BEST. EVER. FRIEND. taken away from you.
I know she wasn't really taken away, but being put in completely different classes was a huge deal back when we were young. I was so depressed I cried so much. Like, it was a known fact amongst teachers that we were BFF... but I guess our Year 5 teacher somehow thought we were bad influences on each other so he put us in separate classes in Year 6. =.=
Well having zero classes together and zero interaction with each other in middle school caused us both to sort of move on and make new friends, which was a shame. But when I think about it now, it was a blessing in disguise because our friendship skipped the immature middle school years. You know, those years when dumb fights between tween girls happen, "breaking up" with each other etc... we avoided it all. We started talking regularly again in Year 12 because we finally had a class together (Biology!) and by then we had matured enough to not have dumb middle school drama anymore.
If we hadn't been separated, maybe we wouldn't even be friends now because somewhere along the way, we might've had a huge fight. It's happened to me and a few of my friends, some of whom I don't talk to anymore. So even though I was really, really heartbroken when Mr. Fraser (our Year 5 teacher) pulled us apart, now I sort of have to thank him for it because it allowed us to remain friends. And to be honest I trust Mithila more than most of the people I hang out with on a daily basis. :)
Phew, that was a long heartfelt post. I'm positively embarrassed now cos I don't really post mushy stuff normally. Lets hope she doesn't read this. HAHA!!
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