. And the last full day in Korea. The reason it's called Swag Day was cos in case you haven't cottoned on, we had a dress code for every day and we were supposed to dress "hardcore" on day four. But somehow we failed, we ended up wearing yucky graphic tees and shorts haha.
Woke up in a good mood because despite over-eating the night before on fatty foods (Ben's Cookies and ice cream waffle!) because I was thin in the morning. Haha thin is a feeling I tell ya! I was also in a good mood cos I didn't shower the night before (oops... dirtiness revealed to the public!) and I
had a good night's sleep and there was no construction on Sunday morning to wake me up!
Had a satisfying brunch at Tartine! We ordered two brunch sets between the four of us and initially I thought I'd still be hungry afterwards (because my appetite is somehow bigger than everyone else's due to my binge-eating tendencies) but I was surprisingly satisfied! Maybe it was cos we ate so slowly? We even had to cancel the two tarts we ordered. It felt great afterwards cos for the first time in Korea I didn't have a mini-binge during meal times and I wasn't bloated after the food.
Maisie and Whitney asked to be included in our selfcams... hahaha look at Whitney's face cos I was blocking her! Sorryyyy! ♡♡♡
More selfcams of Cherry and me from her iphone.
With our drinks! I didn't get a drink cos I was a cheapass and wanted to save money, even though the rest of the girls got tea and we split the money equally. Lol I really just felt like water!
Finally the food came! So excited!
Don't even remember what these are... I think a pancake that doesn't look like your typical western-style pancake (it was called pancake though!), hash browns set, and omelette set!
Camera eats first! Then we dug in :)
Heading to Insa-dong and Ssamziegil by metro once again. We had time in between trains to selfcam cos if I remember correctly, Maisie had to go poop. I WAS SO JEALOUS LOL I wanted to poop so badly! But I guess my mood didn't go sour today (finally!) cos I pooped the day before... lol. Sorry there are so many poop references in these blog entries x.x poop was a huge topic between the four of us during this trip and it was when my constipation was at its worst.
OMG SORRY I'll shut up now!
My swag/yolo OOTD with a pretty artsy wall in the subway station!
Trying to imitate the ugly faces of the rocks haha.
Our "ugly" photo, woops sorry I failed!
And a normal smiley one! :)
Walking on the Insa-dong Art Street!
Arrival at Ssamsiegil! Actually I was really looking forward to this place cos when I went with Cherie in 2011 (I have blog posts about that trip, but I think all the image links are broken sigh) it was super nice!
Poop snacks. I wanted to get them! I remember I decided I was gonna get them after we were done with Ssamziegil but I forgot after we were done shopping.

Ugly doll, soooo adorable but soooo expensive.
Love the walls of all the places in Korea where people scribble all over them! Maybe it's vandalism to some but it makes the infrastructure so personal and homey to me.
Helloooo beautiful view and architecture! Sorry to bring poop into this blogpost again, but this time it was Whitney and Cherry's turn (notice how it's never my turn thanks to my constipation) so Maisie and I were left to explore the place ourselves.
Various versions of the same picture from different photo taking devices hahaha. Feel so bad for the people we ask to help us take pics, cos they have to use four devices: my camera, Whitney's camera, Cherry's iphone, then Maisie's polaroid camera.
Walking to our next destination for our traditional Korean tea. We were sooo lost and it was sooo hot! We were about to give up but luckily we found the face in the end. But here's me, captured on Whitney's camera, always photo-ready even though I was sweaty as hell ;)
Wtf is this picture supposed to be of? For the answer, please scroll down....
I wanted to take a picture of the pretty polaroid that Maisie had but she snatched it out of my hands at the last second cos I wasn't "covering her fat legs". She wouldn't let me take a picture of the whole polaroid, that evil girl!
After a short round of waiting, the Traditional Korean tea set we ordered at Dawon Tea House arrived!
After searching for the teahouse for SO LONG in the unforgiving sun, it was sooo nice to sit in the air-conditioned room with a cold drink. Not to mention we'd basically been walking nonstop for the few days we'd been in Seoul so our legs were at breaking point, even for four shopaholic girls haha.
This picture is seriously TOO FUNNY not to post omg. We laughed nonstop for so long at Whitney's expression then we began taking really bad pictures of ourselves with ugly faces. Obviously those pictures will never circulate in public, it's in a private album on Facebook for us to laugh at when we're down. They're seriously embarrassing to the max omg.
Went shopping in Dongdaemun afterwards! I was quite worried after my experience the other day at Ewha and Hongdae because my taste in clothes differed so much from the girls. Like I said, I really liked cheap clothes from cheap places (I love deals!) but the girls are a bit different - they like pretty things and don't mind paying more, unlike stingy me. So I was scared I'd fall into a bad mood again because I wouldn't get to shop till I dropped.
But I didn't have to worry cos when we went to Migliore, I ended up buying nothing (nothing really fit me! SHOCKING) and everyone else, especially Whitney, bought so much! In the end, it was me who got bored! Lol!
Oh and here's Whitney and her banana milk or something. Maisie and Cherry also shared a corn dog but I felt so repulsed by its appearance I didn't have any. That and I wasn't in a good mood like them cos I didn't purchase anything. xD
Went for dinner at Yoogane Dakgalbi! It was a random choice but the posters looked so damn good we couldn't resist! I was in such a good mood at this point - finally some cheap and local Korean food, no more expensive overpriced cafes!
It was one of the better meals for me despite all the cheese (I hate cheese with a passion, had to pick it all out of my portion), because of all the CHICKEN first of all and then the KIMCHI and then the RICE! All of which are my favourites!
Another good thing was this dinner wasn't as spicy as the one yesterday, which was murderous! It was like comforting spicy!
There was also dukboki (however you spell it) which I didn't eat cos I don't like it in general - takes too long to chew, tires my mouth out when I could be sweeping up on more chicken haha!
Picture with the posters. Um it's just a really bad picture of me at a really bad angle, I swear I'm not that fat! :(
Cheonggyecheon River at night! We shopped for a while after dinner as well, and I was finally HAPPY cos I finally got my "school shoes" that I'd been searching for for so long! And for so cheap as well cos I bargained to the extreme! So all of us were happy girls with our new buys. :) There were so many couples at the river-edge, it was such a romantic atmosphere. I'm glad to have spent the night with my girls. :')
This would've been a nice ending to this blog post and to the last night in Korea but WAIT! Hungry girls were hungry...
We went back to Tartine (their second store in Itaewon that solely sells pies, not brunch) because we'd missed out on the pies that morning. They were closing in half an hour but we really really wanted to have their pies so we begged the shop keepers to let us in and we told them we'd finish in less than thirty minutes.
Of course we KO'ed the pies in like five minutes and left them plenty of time to pack up the store. Hahahah!