Thought I'd caught up with my backdated posts but turns out I've only caught up with posts in the latter half of 2013... hahah wtf I still haven't done my 2012 wrap-up post and it's almost 2014. I'm so fail. It's so demotivating. I'm forever trying to catch up on backdated posts, on my blog and on my Instagram too now. ARGH. I think it's cos I'm such a perfectionist and all my posts must be up to my own perfectionist standards ie. all pictures must be colour edited...
Well I'm not gonna do that anymore. Just gonna throw the pictures into Picasa raw and unedited with yucky lighting and you're all just gonna have to bear with it! MUAHAHAHA. Not even bother with phone filters! This is not a fashion blog or classy blog anyway! *coughexcusescough*
Getting ready to go out in the morning! I woke up in a REALLY bad mood cos I couldn't sleep in the stupid hostel once again... and then I couldn't poop.
I wanted to eat cheap and good food (what the university district is known for) but the girls chose this expensive private Japanese-style restaurant, which served really bad food in tiny portions. So not worth it, could get better quality stuff for cheaper in Hong Kong! My bad mood worsened.
Here's us with our salad appetiser, which was the best dish out of all the dishes we had =.= well at least the cutlery and interior was nice... ugh!
The following food pictures were taken by Whitney cos I was honestly too grumpy at this point to even take my camera out. Man I was such a grump during the trip at times, I wonder how the girls managed to stand me! All because of my poop problem LOL!
Spaghetti which tasted dry and bland as hell. The sauce was soooo watery and had no taste, I could make better at home! And that's really saying something cos I can't cook at all. Even the girls had to agree it sucked.
Whitney why are your pictures so out-focused? Doesn't matter, I'll still upload them because I didn't take any myself... and whatever this is just for memory's sake. (Gosh I keep trying to calm my perfectionist self down)
Oh I remember now! The family restaurant was called Bistro 6912. Go there if you want pretty photos, don't go there if you actually want to eat.
The hamburger meat steak that I finished by myself. Cherry, the other meat eater in our group, took like a quarter of it? Maisie and Whitney are grazers (they don't really like heavy meat) and I love meat so I ate all of it and it put me in an even worse mood cos I felt like I overate and STILL couldn't poop. :(
Arrival at Ewha Womans University! I continued to be in a bad mood. Man, typing these captions make me feel so guilty now. I was such a downer!
Typical tourist photos with the amazing architecture! So beautiful :)
Then I finally went to poop in Ewha University - even though it took an excruciatingly long time. So satisfied, my mood was lifted 10000x after that. I even had the mood to force Whitney to help me take an OOTD photo (below).
My OOTD for the day. The back of this floral romper has a hugeeeee hole in it (intentional LOL, not because it's ripped or anything) and my dad would kill me if I wore it in Hong Kong.

But then my bad mood returned cos I loved the clothes in Ewha district (cheap enough for me) but the girls were more into pretty, expensive stores so they basically rushed through all the shopping. I ended up trailing behind alone most of the time cos while they spent 1 minute average in a store, I spent like 15 minutes average? I kept losing them and they got pissed too! That morning was not a good one.
But never mind, because we got pineapples and they fixed everything!
Oh, and here are two pairs of earrings I got for DIRT CHEAP! Whitney actually saw the earrings on the left in a pretty store and she almost got them for like five times the price... thank God she didn't, ha ha I am really the queen of thrifting! And goes to show that expensive isn't always better! Because they were EXACTLY the same!
Left Ewha for Hongik University / Hongdae where we saw tons of parades including a GAY PARADE (not pictured). Loved the atmosphere so much! Anyway we went to Hongdae cos we were there for the Free Market, which is a local market that opens every Saturday by artsy university students. We love markets so much we even had to check out all the local markets in Korea hehe!
Pictures at the Free Market. Tons of handmade stuff for sale! A tad bit too expensive for me though and I feel weird buying useless stuff like keychains which are nice but... when am I ever gonna use them? Cherry and Maisie bought a lot though!

Somehow the four of us got separated. I ended up walking around with Whitney. I think it was cos Cherry and Maisie spent sooo much time picking robot keychains at a single booth? Haha. Anyway Whitney and I got really desperate to pee so we went to the second floor of a coffee shop to join the huge line of Korean girls who were desperate to pee as well. I remember laughing so much with Whitney cos there was a stall that never opened, but it was occupied and the girl inside was vomiting like mad. Obviously I couldn't see the vomit but I heard her gagging and stuff. Argh so horrible but it was so hilarious.... woops :(
After we emptied our bladders we went outside and took a "huge relief" photo with the pretty street backdrop. Hahahahahaha.
Had dinner at Crazydduk! We actually saw posters of it during the day and went in search for the store and we lined up to get seats. While we were waiting, there was a mum with her two young daughters and the mum could NOT stop taking selfies of herself. She even forced her daughters to selfcam with her and her daughters were so disgruntled LOL. And I thought I was shameless with my selfies, I guess I'm nothing compared to vain Koreans cos I only ever selfcam in private at home!
Anyway our hotpot at Crazydduk was SUPER SPICY! We already ordered "less spicy" but it still killed us. I ate all the chicken in the pot as always... mmmm!
The fried chicken "salad" to ease the spiciness. I basically ate the whole thing cos you know me and chicken again... I love chicken so much. It's definitely NOT a salad though wtf look at the sauces and all the fattiness!
More shopping after dinner! Trying on silly glasses hehe.
Explored Hongdae district... the ground was so dirty but I loved it! Everyone was so young and energetic and the atmosphere was aweeeesome! There were street singers and dancers and tons of local food. Would love to go back!
We started to eat everything on the streets after dinner! A cheap ice cream waffle (it was REALLY cheap, can't remember the price though) shared between the four of us :) Cherry and Maisie also ate a hotdog burger.
Pimply me with the ice cream waffle. My skin has improved TONS since summer, even though I keep pulling all-nighters! I guess it's all to do with your hormones hahaha, not really your lifestyle.
We passed by Ben's Cookies on the walk back to the subway station and Whitney got really excited and made us all get one! Apparently she always ate it in England or something. The cookies were GIANT! I got raisin oatmeal I think? My favourites, dried fruit and oatmeal! I liked how it wasn't too sweet like double chocolate or white chocolate :)
Including this picture even though it's SUPER embarrassing because of the memories! We couldn't stop laughing at all on the way back to the hostel, I don't even know why. We were just doing weird and random stuff in the subway (like my pose in the picture above?)... in the end we were so caught up in our laughter that we missed the last train and ended up having to take a taxi back. Hahaha.
Omg and this is really funny but later on at night, while we were in our room, the whole hostel had a power shut down. And guess what... it was because of US! Okay I shouldn't sound so proud of it but it was so funny yet embarrassing, like the hostel owners had to come up and tell us lol. It was cos we were charging too many iphones and cameras and whatnot in our room at once.
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