Yesss! I have finally reached the concluding post of my Seoul trip! *huge sigh of relief* This post is gonna be a short one sadly because our flight was in the early afternoon, so we only got the morning to spend in Itaewon :(
I think this picture was from the night before but never mind. Sorting out our loots! We were supposed to go clubbing but we were SO damn tired we just went to bed after packing our stuff! It was such a shame we didn't go, but seriously four nights and only three full days in Seoul was not enough to do everything there was to be done. I guess sacrifices had to be made.
The hostel peeps were shocked that we didn't go partying at all. They'd been trying to convince us to go clubbing and drinking from day one, haha. But somehow we did too much hardcore shopping and walking and sightseeing during the day time we were dead every night when we got back to the hostel. It was too much for us old girls HAHAHA.
Okay finally day five! I think it was a Monday, and all the stores were closed. Even the brunch places, all of which were bustling with activity just 24 hours ago on Sunday. :( We didn't expect we'd have so much difficulty finding a nice place to have a nice brunch on our last morning in Seoul!
Taking OOTD pictures. Haha there's me in the background fixing my hair while I wait for my turn. The dress code that day was "denim" cos the girls all got cheap denim jackets from Dongdaemun the day before. Except me, because I'd gotten two from H&M prior to the Korea trip and my frame is too small to fit into one-size jackets. I mean even the smallest size in H&M is too big for me. =.=
This was the place we wanted to have brunch at, but it wasn't opened yet in the morning! I think the shop keepers told us they'd open at 11:30 but we couldn't wait that long cos we had a flight to catch.
We debated whether to have Flying Pan Blue again or try a chain store. We settled for a chain store called Homestead Coffee instead. I was slightly disappointed but it was still better than the food in Hong Kong in general.
Our brunch! Not bad I think! We ordered a burger set, an omelette set, and a waffle set. Not really filling enough for me haha.

Saying bye to the people of SP Guesthouse! They were super nice, helping us carry our luggages down the super steep slope! We didn't spend much time inside the hostel (we would've if our trip was longer!) which was sad but yeahhhh! Oh and note the matching denim jackets the girls were wearing, which I was left out of. But hey, I still followed the dress code, I had denim shorts on!
Wtf is up with the effect of this pic of me and Whitney on the subway to the airport... LOL. We were watching our videos.
For some reason we managed to be late to the airport. It was sooo tiring dragging our luggages around the subway stations cos they were bursting with heaviness from our new buys. THANKFULLY our flight got delayed, we were saved from missing it! HAHAHA! We even got 10000won each for compensation, which we spent in Jamba Juice!
SO FUNNY. We are seriously cheap to the max. We spent exactly 40000won so we didn't have to add extra money. We had nuts, gum, muffin, a scone, a wrap and drinks.
On the plane ride back to Hong Kong I watched Warm Bodies - finally - I was so late and outdated, as usual. I mean, everyone had been raving about how good it was but it was just everything I'd expected. A cheesy predictable chickflick. Gah, I never really like movies that the other teenage girls LOVE, like I seriously think Easy A and Pitch Perfect are so overrated and just NOT GOOD. Especially Easy A... it was as stupid as shit. But anyway.
Got back to Hong Kong and I was just in time to buy my (then) favourite Immunity Bowl from Just Salad HAHA!!! I remember binging on it the next day wtf.
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