Guess how I spent 2013's Christmas Day and Boxing Day?
That's right... I worked! LOL! I'm such a good girl, right? Earning money and working during the most festive days of the end of year... actually I kind of regretted it the moment after I agreed to the job. Because I had my History final presentation on the 28th, and the food festival's working days were from the 24th to the 28th. I freed up the night of the 26th, the 27th and the 28th in the end, only opting to work for 2-3 days because school is still my top priority at this point, but I also wanted to work!
Basically my friend who worked with me during the Food Expo in the summer contacted me and asked me about working during the holidays... and I agreed! This time it was for the 11th Hong Kong Food Festival 2013!
Didn't take many photos cos we were busy working, but here are the pics I snapped with my phone during resting time (which we didn't get much of):
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