I realise that after people hit a certain age, they start to treasure being around their family more. When you're a teenager, it's all about looking "cool" and going out partying with your friends. But then after a certain time, something clicks inside you and you realise you'd rather spend a day at home, away from the loud crowds, to be with your family. Okay I don't know if this is true for everyone, but it's certainly true for me and for the people around me.
So on the 31st, I headed over to my Aunt's house and we had a four hour long hotpot session! I ate so much, especially with my parents watching over me and I didn't want to worry them on the last day of 2013.
I forgot to take photos until the food was basically finished. All the meats and meatballs were already gone by the time I snapped these pictures, so our hotpot looks really empty and ugly and incomplete. Haha.
The highlight of the night was our bingo game. We each had to buy a present around $200HKD, something that would fit everyone (no easy feat!) and keep it a secret. The idea is that the first person to BINGO gets to pick their unknown present first out of the pile... but you don't know what each present is, you just know who bought it. So obviously no one would want to pick the presents that my Dad or my Uncle bought because dads are known to have poor tastes!
Our presents on the table (and the Doraemon bingo machine in the corner)! When the game started, we all decided that bingo-ing first was a curse instead of a luxury... because it was so difficult to choose! I think I bingo'ed like fifth or something, so I didn't have much choice, which I think was the optimal bingo time because it was pretty obvious by then which present I should choose (ie. not the ones bought by the men).
After unwrapping our presents and after the game! Haha my Dad picked my present, which was an UMbanana (and a box of dark chocolates which I LOVED because my umbanana didn't reach $200) which is basically an umbrella in the shape of a banana.
But I think the funniest part is that Cherie (my cousin) got to pick first cos she was the first to bingo, and she chose my Uncle Calvin's present... then Uncle Calvin chose Cherie's present. Honestly if I bingo'ed first I would choose either of their presents cos they are known to have better tastes in the family. But they were both so pissed at their presents! Uncle Calvin got a popcorn machine, which takes up a lot of space, and Cherie got a USB card and a box of chocolates. Hahaha they were at war the entire night!
And no one wanted my grandma's present cos it was wrapped really uglily in wrapping paper from a Chinese tea shop... it wasn't picked by anyone actually, my mum was last to bingo so she had to be forced to take it. But it turned out to be the best present cos once she unwrapped the box, inside was $200 in CASH! LOL!

Oh and here's a picture of the umbanana. Not mine, just found it off the internet haha.
And me? I won my Aunt's electric blanket! I was down to choosing between my Aunt's present and my Mum's present. Actually I considered choosing my Grandma's as well... but yeah, in the end I chose my Aunt's cos I knew my Mum's present didn't reach $200 and she had to buy snacks from Muji to compensate for the remaining sum. And I didn't want more snacks at home, NO BINGING FOR ME! So I went with my Aunt's... which turned out GREAT! Because if you know me in real life, you'll know I'm always sick and I'm always cold... :P so the blanket was perfect! I use it every night now and I can finally sleep with straightened legs. For the whole winter I've been curled up into a ball inside my blankets... sorry my dear backbone!
After the initial bingo round we decided to have one more round. We all took out $10, and decided that the winner gets $80. My Grandma won. She was overjoyed!
Then I hurried to leave cos I had to go to the IFC to countdown to 2014 with my architecture buddies. It was like... 11:15pm when I left my cousin's place. I basically had to run to the MTR and all the way to the freakin' IFC rooftop (which is super far from Central MTR Station omg) and I got there at 11:50pm... or later? I only had a few minutes to spare before the new year rolled around HAHA!
Next entry will be about the countdown! :)
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