December 2013 - January 2014
In chronological order
Selfcams from the day I dyed my hair back to black. Actually I dyed it really, really, really dark brown... like a natural "black". But my hair never stays dark... it's already sort of a medium brown and it hasn't even been a month yet. GOSH.
Random beautiful winter day! For some time in the beginning of December, Hong Kong rained and rained and rained. It was freakin' cold... but then the sun came out! Unluckily it was when I had to stay indoors and finish my portfolio so I only got to enjoy the nice weather through my window, aww. :(
Home after portfolio hand-in! I basically just went to school to print my portfolio, hand it in, then came home... felt like a waste of make up/dress up so I snapped two pictures of myself, before deciding that it was not a good selfcamming day hahaha.
Testing my newly bought pens (oh and some old ones) from Typo. I didn't even realise how dumb I sounded on paper until I reread what I wrote.
Tons of chocolate goodies - mostly dark chocolates, my favourite - at home... which I had a very, very terrible binge on that caused me to starve myself for the entire day the next day. :( After that I vowed to never binge again... I've been binge free for three weeks now! :D
Part of my binge... the malkist crackers part on top of the dozens of fruits, chocolates, and God-knows-what... (you should google "binge-eating disorder")
And red meat to get my iron up... and to fatten me up... had basically 3/4 of the whole family plate. I really hate it when people say I don't eat or don't believe I eat a lot. I eat a lot more than people think, both on a day-to-day basis and obviously when I'm on a binge.
Shimeji mushrooms my parents bought for me to cook at home! (those are my dad's fingers haha, he whatsapped me the picture when he was in the supermarket)
Runner's pack collection letter from the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2014 arrived!
Bars that my friends got for me! They know me well haha I loveeee energy bars. Maisie got me the top one from Singapore and told me it was perfect for me cos it was called "binge buster"... something I need indeed! And the bottom one is from Janet from Locofama!
Cupcakes made by my mum. They failed btw, they did not taste COOKED... but I thought they looked quite photogenic so photo time!
At the doctor's waiting for my (failed) blood tests... lmao here's me before the bad bad experience, looking more happy than I felt. But I think I look quite nice so up they go on my blog LOL.
Pokemon was on TV while I waited for my appointment! I was so excited and it made waiting more bearable. Again taken at the hospital. I basically go to the hospital once a week, if you were wondering.

Aftermath of my failed blood tests on Christmas Eve morning, before my lunch buffet with my parents. Was really depressed but told myself to get over it and enjoy the family time.
My Neopets' current state! Not gonna keep the Zombie Lutari and the Transparent Chomby... they look cool but bleh, not really my favourite looks haha. My Pirate Krawk and my Baby Uni are here to stay though! Loveee my babies ♡
New schedule and calendar from Typo. LOVE THEM! My favourite eye-catching girly glittery pink and My Little Pony! Omfg what could be better.... they were so damn cheap as well cos I bought them on the 31st, so they were already on discount hehe!
Cleaned out a HUGE bag of clothes to be donated. Half of them are brand new from places like H&M and Forever 21 and Cotton On and stuff. I just keep buying and buying clothes but I never wear them when I bring them home. And I still complain I don't have enough clothes. Such is the life of a girl hahaha.
First binge of 2014, post-Yunnan field trip... how horrible :( not everything is pictured here as well, I also had an insane number of apples (basically I cleared out all the fruits in my fridge first) and a whole family packet of saltine sesame crackers...
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