Best Ending to my Christmas Break!

Friday night was the AS Annual Dinner 2013 (Architectural Society Annual Dinner) and I decided to go again this year with my friends. I actually went last year but it pretty much... well, it didn't suck but it wasn't good. At all. I think it was cos none of my friends went last year except Whitney, so it was just the two of us, plus she was also the MC so she couldn't hang with me. :(

But this year a lot of people from my year decided to go! So it was much better with great company :)
so much love for my friends!

After the dinner we went down to LKF where we ate (again, after the buffet) and had a few drinks, then we went upstairs to some club because we had free entry. We stayed until like 4 or 5 am? I can't remember. But when I finally went to bed it was like 6:30AM.

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