HKU Master of Journalism

You've already seen my previous posts on my new career direction. I went to the newly located Grassroots Pantry with Honey, who's actually my classmate from my Master of Journalism course at the University of Hong Kong. The first two months have been great so far! It's hardcore in a way that's different from Architecture, but I like it a lot. The most challenging course for me is definitely Video Production because I'm already a noob with cameras, so video cameras, oh man, I can't even begin to explain! But I'm coping fine and I really, really enjoy what I'm studying!

Here are some random pictures taken in September and October that are related to my course or the people in my course. The first is Honey's birthday, followed by a random lunch at a local Chinese cha chan teng, lunch at Locofama with Honey, a photo from a Video Production class that my classmate captured and a really fun BBQ gathering at my friend Irene's place.

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From SoHo to PMQ to Causeway Bay

My God, I don't even know how to name this post. We ate lunch separately but Jason and I basically spent a whole day together wandering around from place to place - SoHo, to PMQ, to Causeway Bay... there's a bit of art, event and food. I'll just summarise quickly.

We went to Tang Contemporary Art Gallery first because I really wanted to check out Ai Wei Wei's Wooden Ball exhibition. I'm not a follower, okay! I started liking Ai Wei Wei's work back in high school when I studied Sunflower Seeds for IB Art. None of that bullshit with him getting trendy and popular in Hong Kong lately.

Then, we went to PMQ where there was the ENxNICHI Okinawa October Food Festival going on. It wasn't something either of us particularly wanted to check out, but since it was sort of close by, why not? After, I got a juice from Catch Juicery because I've been wanting to try all the juicing places in Hong Kong, despite them being overpriced and heavily marketed. What, I'm human too! We then stopped by Emack & Bolio's for their awesome ice-cream (seriously, awesome is the only word to describe it), then took the MTR back to Causeway Bay for dinner at Greenhouse.

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Meet Up with Jeremy 7

Somehow slid in time to meet up with Jeremy for dinner one weekday night. We'd caught up recently but he was leaving Hong Kong for Singapore for... he didn't even know how long. Probably permanently, since he found a better job offer there. He didn't want to go but y'know, gotta go where life takes you I suppose!

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Vegfest 2015

First things first: I am not vegetarian. Not even in the slightest bit. All my friends joke about how I love eating chicken breast, especially when it's not juicy... yes, some of us actually like tasteless, dried up grilled chicken! And while I don't eat red meat that often, I actually don't mind it too much. I don't think I could ever be vegetarian. I even tried to watch documentaries showing suffering animals and the conclusion I got out of them was: I am a heartless, compassionless bitch.

However, I do really like healthy foods and products, so actually Vegfest 2015 was an event I was super interested in! It wasn't held at a convenient location as well. It was out of the way in Hong Kong Adventist Academy in Clear Water Bay, which doesn't have an MTR station and reaching there requires other forms of transport. I still went, so yeah, you can imagine how enthusiastic I was about it. Unlike all the expat-y Facebook events, all Vegfest had was a half-broken website in Chinese, so you can't blame me for doubting it at first, especially when I got to the shuttle bus stop and it was lined up with elderly people. It got worse when the shuttle bus arrived and a bus-load of old people climbed off, talking about how bad it was. I almost felt sorry for Jason, who I'd dragged along and was shooting pleading looks at me as if to say: do we have to go?

Well, it turned out pretty nice! I actually enjoyed the sun, there was plenty of food and products on offer and activities to keep you busy. The only annoying thing was a woman being super preachy with me about eating meat, but other than that it was a really good day.

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Our 4th Anniversary

Jason and I have been dating for four years now! Can you believe it? No one expected us to last this long - in fact, people thought we'd barely last a month. We came from really different backgrounds and when we started dating, he looked like Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes with his glasses and I looked like a partier with my dyed almost-blonde hair (ew). Well, you guys know I am anything but a partier. I only went out back then because it was the cool thing to do. I much prefer staying home and surfing the internet alone, LOL. Anyway, our personalities and interests turned out really similar so we got along great. And fast forward... argh I still can't believe it's been four years!

Funny story actually: we both forgot. In fact, Jason texted me the night of October 15th (our official anniversary) saying something like: "omg, I forgot - happy fourth anniversary!" and I don't think I even replied until the next day, haha. We weren't big on spending a lot to celebrate (we didn't even celebrate last year!) so we just decided on the RED Bar + Restaurant in IFC. I'd only been there once in 2012 during summer time, and when I looked at their menu again online the prices weren't bad. We basically celebrated a week after the 15th. So um, happy four years?

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Grassroots Pantry Opens on Hollywood Road

Grassroots Pantry has come a long way since it started with its tiny, humble café in Sai Ying Pun, and recently, they moved to bigger premises in Hollywood Road along with a new menu. Although it was always close to school, I'd actually only been there once back in December 2013. How I wish I went there more now when it was more convenient for me!

Honey and I had been raving on about it for ages. It was so bad that we spent one tutorial just looking at the menu when we were supposed to be listening to our teacher lol. We both have a bad habit of being late, but to visit Grassroots Pantry specifically, we actually set up a date on Saturday, booked a table, and arrived on time! We shared a scrambled tofu set and a granola bowl and spent basically half an hour taking selfies before actually eating. Such is the life of a journalism student (and this wasn't even for an assignment).

After, I stopped by Genie Juicery as I'd been dying to try out their juices for quite a while now, before going home to drink it all in less than 30 seconds. So that's the explanation for the otherwise unrelated last picture.

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House of Vans: Off The Wall 2015

I'd decided to go to the House of Vans Asia Tour: Off The Wall 2015 in Hong Kong this year long before it actually arrived. I wasn't sure whether it was their first time here, but it was free so I thought: why not? Plus, it was conveniently located at Central Pier No. 4 and it was close to home as a Hong Kong Islander (cheaper transport costs, y'know). On the night before the actual event, both Jacklyn and Zoe told me they were interested when I asked, so we checked it out!

Um, it turned out a lot smaller than we expected, the floor was hella sticky from all the spilled beer, and maybe we were just unlucky but when we went a really noisy band was playing and basically broke our eardrums. But the food was good, lol.

And about the last photo: it was taken a few days ago when I met up with two of my SIS girls at HKU! Since y'know, I study there and they work there. Convenience and cheap university food is all we need.

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Lunch with Veronica

Finally found a day to catch up with Veronica after trying to make plans for ages! Actually, it seems like all my catch-ups go like this. Maybe it's my problem, haha. But anyway. You've probably never heard of her before, and that's because I've never mentioned her. She was a work colleague when I was a Year-out Architectural Assistant. To be precise, she was the secretary of our team, and although we weren't really close, I suppose out of all the men in the company it was easier to bond with one of the only younger women hahaha.

We had a quick lunch in Kornhill Plaza and then she had to rush back to work, but it was a nice chat all the same. We're both going completely different directions in our lives than we were just a few months back. I'm heading down a new career path and she's taking classes every night on professional make-up. It's funny where life takes us. :)

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Freespace Happening October 2015

You know, I think I've actually been to every single Freespace Happening since its first one in August (click here for my post on it!). It's monthly, but I didn't post about September's instalment on this blog because I actually went with my DSLR and took ~*professional*~ photos for my Photojournalism class! I posted the pictures on my portfolio Wordpress, so click here to check them out if you're interested. You know, for someone who is using a DSLR for the first time in her life - and not on the automatic mode, you smart alec - I think I'm pretty damn good. ;)

Like the previous times, this month's Freespace Happening was in West Kowloon Cultural District. Since I hadn't picnicked there yet, Jason and I decided to do just that this time. Um, big mistake. I dressed like it was Autumn and the weather that day decided to turn out damp, dreary and worst of all, cold. But whatever works for nice photos, amirite?

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