Hello Kitty's 40th Anniversary at Ramen Iroha

If you're a fan of Sanrio/all things cute and girly like me, you'd know that it was Hello Kitty's 40th Anniversary this year! And Hong Kong, as I'm sure with a lot of major Asian and even western countries, really milked it. And I was one of the foolish little girls who fell for the gimmicks, haha.

Iroha Ramen in Causeway Bay had been having this Hello Kitty themed ramen since April (I think), and I wanted to catch it before it ended in July. So very, very, VERY tentatively, I asked the N's Girls if they'd go with me. I highlight the word "very" because they don't share my interest in dumb childish cartoons. In fact, Clar takes great pleasure to laugh at my interests. But to my surprise, they agreed! So off we went on a Thursday.

I wouldn't say the ramen was good but I've never even liked ramen (eating too much always made me feel sick?!) so I can't be the judge. Anyway, I wasn't there for the food, I was there for the cuteness. Just once is enough for me though! :P

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