Huge Homemade Korean Feast

The first of October was National Day in Hong Kong, which is a public holiday here. The archians and I had been talking about having a Korean cookout for a long time, so we decided to do just that at Ting's on that day! Unfortunately (or fortunately for everyone's health and tastebuds), I couldn't make it in the afternoon to actually do any of the cooking because I had a driving lesson on that day. So I just joined them at around 5PM to eat, skipping all the hard work. Hey, it wasn't on purpose! :P

After our huge homecooked dinner, where we had tons of leftover food because entirely too much food had been prepared (as usual), we shared a cab to Elements Mall to watch The Maze Runner. It was incredible and a very satisfying end to the day, even though we had to buy adult movie tickets now as our students cards had expired (sad times).

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