Bye Bye Reading Week :(

Back to school after reading week... reading week was not supposed to be a holiday, but it was for me because I'm a lazy piece of shite. I paid for it though because the week was PACKED with deadlines and I basically had to do the work we had months to do in one night... :( It was crazy... I didn't sleep much at all, like 4 hours every night? I felt so disgusting and unhealthy, luckily I got to spend some time with my family and non-archi friends this weekend!

Monday and Tuesday consisted of a panicked rush doing my viscom work, because our midterm was due on Tuesday... originally I'd decided to flunk it, and I finished my shitty work by Saturday. But then when I got to school all my classmates were SO SERIOUS about it, like they were working nonstop on it... so I sighed a huge, exasperated breath and made alterations to my work... In the end I worked all Monday night after my crit and Tuesday morning.

Wednesday and Thursday consisted of a panicked rush doing my design work, because we had a review on Thursday. I slept at 3am and woke at 7am on Wednesday...

I was dead after our review on Thursday, but I couldn't go back to sleep yet because... we had a Build tech quiz and assignment to hand in the next day. So I stayed up studying and only got 4 hours of sleep again.

Let me just say I pretty much flunked the fucking quiz cos it was mechanical physics. We were allowed to use a calculator to calculate the answers but I didn't even once touch mine cos I had no fucking idea how to tackle the questions. It was multiple choice so I randomly filled everything in and called it a day... BUT! =.= I had to do bao. So I couldn't go home and sleep AGAIN. Wtf... 4 hours again...

Some pics:

Bumped into Soler (the... band? idek) on the way down to dinner near school on Wednesday night. So funny, I didn't even recognise them at first, I was skipping down the hill belting out "SOMEWHEREEE OVER THE RAINBOW" and I made eye contact with one of the dudes while singing... and I just thought "why is a western looking guy eating in THAT restaurant?"

Then Clar was like "omg I think that was Soler" and I was like "what." and then we asked them for a pic. LOL. They probably think I'm retarded.

Anddddd some concept models, because they look quite nice in a photograph in my opinion (not so much in real life).

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