Erica's 21st Birthday at The Socialhouse

Right before the hardcore final rush, I had the guts to spend one whole evening out to celebrate Erica's 21st birthday at The Socialhouse in Tai Hang!

I know a lot of people would think I'm crazy because I always decide to take a break from work in order to go to special events, but I truly do think that in the end, my friends and family and social life are very important to me. And it's all about balance! I don't mean that I'll choose going clubbing/similar right before my final, because that would be downright irresponsible, but any day could be our last and in my opinion, it's so important to cherish the people around you. During my finals in semester one, I remember asking myself: if I died today, would I have died doing what I love?

I hadn't seen Erica since summer 2013 and Tiffany or Melissa since graduation! That's like three years! So it was nice to finally catch up! :)

We walked around Tai Hang finding places to take our polaroid photos and my my, Tai Hang has changed so much! I remember how empty it used to be back in high school when I used to go there all the time when I went to Tiffany's place (she lives right above Tai Hang). It's so developed with eateries and different now! In a good way though, I guess?

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