My 21st Birthday: Video!

Just when I thought my birthday blog entries had come to an end this year! There's one more!

Idk why but we've been obsessed with filming lately. Perhaps it's because it's the end of our degree now and we want to somehow preserve some memories of our times together? We never really filmed any "vlogs" or whatever these three years, we just take tons of photos. But recently Clar's been bringing her DSLR out and about to major events and Maisie just purchased a video recorder!

Here's a video that Clar filmed and edited for my birthday! Nawww it's so sweet, I'm so grateful for my friends! You can watch my birthday lunch and my princess surprise and everything here!

Next entry will feature a video too :) because we went picnic-ing right after our third-quarter review and the girls brought out their video recorders and did lots of filming. So we have animated memories of the happy day now too!

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