Every time I think about the food I had, maaaan, I seriously salivate. I'm not a seafood person - I'd rather eat a steak - I just feel that seafood, apart from fish, is too much of a hassle to eat. I mean, remove the shells? By the time you're done cracking open that crab, all the other plates have been cleared by your peers, and honestly, the meat you get isn't as meaty as a piece of steak, if you get what I mean. I suppose I'm a bit of a carnivore though, lol. But I've digressed again, the point I wanted to make is that even a non-seafood eater like me loved the lobsters - they were juicy and best of all, they've already separated the meat from the shell for you.
Jason was really shocked at how much I ate that night. Actually I shocked myself. I always knew I was a binge-eater at buffets but I think I broke my record that night. I also really recommend The Mira's macarons. I had more than ten macarons that night, I think I had sixteen? Yeah, I couldn't stop. I'm more of a dessert person at buffets and I'm not joking when I say that I swept the dessert table. I even ate half of my birthday cake. I was still eating when the big men at the next table had stopped...
Oops, I made this post about the food again. What's new? (It's obviously about the looooove)

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