SIS, Homei & Brickhouse

Part 1 - South Island School

I met Janet after lunch and Jacklyn joined us only for dinner so it wasn't really a full-day out. But enough for me lol cos my energy drains away pretty quickly. I am a grandma. Anyway, we visited South Island School! We were supposed to get there at 2:30... but I was late so when we arrived at school it was already 3:40 and the school buses were leaving. We thought it would be fine cos normally the school opens until like 5pm because of the extra-curricular activities, so we were quite shocked when the refectory and café were closed and the school was like dead man's land. Well not really, there were still people but very few, and it was obvious all the staff was finished with their day/students were done with their's too.

Then Janet turned to me and was like, "oh yeah. It's June, all the activities have ended."

Yep so basically we didn't see any teachers but we did bump into our former form tutor when we arrived at SIS! We just stood there and chatted with him for like 10-15 minutes, then he left too. We were left to explore the school on our own. It was dull and dreary and I'd forgotten how many mosquitoes there were cos it's up in the mountain... ugh I got so many bites fml. I think we ended up only staying for 15 minutes max? Then we left.

It's only been two years since I graduated yet it really feels like a long, long time ago? And the school feels so distant now :( you know, sometimes at night I'd feel pangs for nostalgia and longing to go back in time to my high school years. I really do believe they were some of the best years of my life, like I really made good friends there... and people were less "tainted"?

I guess when we were younger we were more naive and I know this doesn't apply for everyone, but the kids in my group of friends were so oblivious and childish and we didn't care what others thought about us. I guess the word is innocent? University is so hard compared to high school where we were babied by the teachers and stuff. :S

Not saying that my uni life isn't great, because it is HAHA. I guess I have to learn to treasure my last year with my dear Archians because I know once this is over, I'll miss studio SOOO much too.

Part 2 - Homei

We made our way back to Central / Sheung Wan cos I wanted to try Teakha, this café that has been on my To-do List forever but it was closed on Mondays. So we ended up next door in Homei! Just to pass the time until dinner. I had a mint tea and Janet had a coffee.

Part 3 - Brickhouse

Jacklyn finally showed up and joined us for dinner at Brickhouse! It's located in a completely hidden alley in Lan Kwai Fong, and when I say completely hidden, I mean completely. Like you cannot even see it from the outside... I dunno how Janet managed to find it, she must have good intuition? She just led me into this completely dark alley while I was all like "ARE YOU SURE?! There's nothing here! It looks so freakin' sketch!"

The ambience was really nice and the food was SOOO delicious but I think it was quite overpriced. Once in a while I guess (except I've been spending a lot this summer, oops). I have no idea what the names of the dishes we ordered are because Janet and Jacklyn chose, and I just fulfilled my duties of being the biggest eater. Janet didn't even have a taco and the two girls shared a tiny chicken breast while I devoured one whole one myself. Major gluttony going on.

Part 4 - Mana! Fast Slow Food

Oops extra part because I was looking through my phone and I realised I'd bought takeaway salad from Mana! Fast Slow Food that day. :P Like Teakha, tt's been on my To-do List for a long long time but I never found the time to try it... so I just decided to take away their salad for the next day. I want to try their flats next time though! I still think the salad was quite expensive, at $65 for a small box. I'm really broke cos I've been eating out a lot and in Soho recently. Well there's only myself and my gluttony to blame!

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