Clar's 22nd Birthday at Café&Meal MUJI & Red MR

The N's Girls birthday celebrations this year are going to be difficult, especially since we're all working now so we're not constantly and conveniently together in the studio anymore. Hmm... but I guess next year will be easier, since we'll all be going back to school for our Masters? Unless of course, we fly to other destinations worldwide instead. But honestly, knowing my friends, they'd probably stay in HKU (we're boring like that).

We'd decided on a picnic for Clar's 22nd birthday, but the weather didn't cooperate (it rained, boo) so we changed plans last minute and had lunch at Café&Meal MUJI then went karaoke-ing at Red MR. I'd wanted to try MUJI's café for the longest time but once again, never actually got around to it, so that was awesome. Quite expensive though! During karaoke, we basically spammed Taylor Swift's 22 because nothing was more appropriate (we also spammed her older song Fifteen, for the record, because we wish... LOL). I guess it'd be a recurring theme song for all our birthdays this year apart from Whitney's because she's one year older.

We also collectively got Clar a Benefit make-up set, a MAC lipstick and a cake from Smile Yogurt & Dessert Bar! And of course, our trademark N's Girls cards, even though it was super difficult to collaborate this year due to us being separated.

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