Valentine's Day 2015

This year's Valentine's Day celebration was definitely more eventful and (slightly) more well-prepared than last year's. Though last year, I just had four wisdom teeth removed at once in a surgery so there wasn't much I could eat apart from really soft veggies and tofu. Plus, I was busy with my final year of Architecture (excuses excuses... I was just not bothered). Anyway. This year Jason and I even decided we would exchange gifts, something we omitted from 2014's celebrations!

I seriously couldn't think of what to get him so in the end I went down the typical route - I made chocolate. Well, chocolate truffles, to be exact. I didn't taste any of it but Jason told me they were bombtastic, and that even his Mum agreed. I sincerely hope that he was telling the truth and not lying just to spare my feelings, because I really wouldn't mind if he decided to slay me with brutal honesty. But wait, why am I doubting my own awesomeness? Take a look at the truffles yourself!

Are they bombtastic or what? Not only do they taste good - according to Jason's family, whom I'm going to take the word for - but they look good too! And I don't care that I'm admiring my own work. I mean, I had to buy all the ingredients, make the damn things, and look! I even went to Wanchai to get a nice little gift box for them especially. Am I a dedicated girlfriend or what? A gazillion brownie points please.

For the actual celebration, we wanted to have a place to cook, so we ended up booking a room in Partyland Plus in Kwun Tong. The point wasn't the party room - it was way too big, for starters, because we'd booked too last minute and all the couply rooms were taken - but that Partyland Plus offered a kitchen with all the basic utensils. You will not believe how hard it is to find an affordable rented kitchen in Hong Kong... The kitchen in Partyland Plus was communal between all the rented rooms though, so we made sure to begin cooking as soon as we got there. We took two hours to make simple-ass dishes because we're noobs, but for some reason no one else began cooking until we were done (then it got real crowded, but we were starving and ready to chow down by 9PM)... perhaps the reason was that we looked too ugly HA HA jk um ok. But yeah, take a look at our menu!

By the time we finished eating it was late, and we didn't leave much time to explore the huge room. We both would've preferred a much smaller room because it was too eerie in there with just two people... but oh well, that's punishment for being so last minute. The best thing about the room we rented was the dolls though, literally littered all over the floor. I especially adored the giant teddy bears even though they were sort of broken and droopy. We went home at 11PM after experimenting with the selfie stick that Jason had gotten for me for Christmas, and that was that. Overall, I'd say the night was quite a success!

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