New Haircut!!

Sooo guess what. I finally got a haircut! I suppose this is a pointless entry, I really should just lump it into my monthly "random" blog post, but I felt like it was somewhat of a special occasion - only because I'm a slob and I don't get haircuts often. I think I get them every half a year on average. The last time I went to the salon was when I graduated from university, right before my final external crit. And that... was like... back in May? The beginning of June? And it's like February now. *cue sweatdrop*

The cut itself was nothing special this time, unlike the previous times, I didn't dye it back to black. My hair has a tendency to fade to brown because it's naturally dark brown and perhaps because I dyed it so often in high school. I was really sick of the brown colour and rate at which my black hair dye just faded off so I requested using hair dye for the elderly last time LOL, and it's been lasting pretty well so far! Well, my hair's more like a dark brown now, but a little fading and my new roots are inevitable... but so far so good!

And no, I didn't get it curled permanently. The temporary curls are just something my hair stylist likes to do after cutting my hair, and they lasted until I washed my hair, naturally.

So there you have it. Just another pointless update from me to keep you guys (if any of you are still around) updated.

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