Master of Journalism?

So... this is kind of hard for me to write because well... who really decides to leave their stable, high paying and highly respected career path for something that is the complete opposite in today's society? Who really decides to flip a middle finger at four years of their life for something that they know has a high probability of not working out?

Okay, so I know a lot of people actually quit their high profile jobs to pursue their passion. But I always feel like those people have already earned and saved a decent amount of money that they don't need any more, so they can actually spend the extras on whatever they like, like y'know, opening a café or something.

Me? I'm so young. I'm freakin' 21. Obviously I do not have enough money, not for a secure future at least, even if I take into account my salary from this year's job. Honestly, half of my total salary is used up already from paying for this new thing... and it's not like I don't spend money on myself monthly too (though my close friends all know I'm a stingy bitch and I don't actually splurge ever, ha ha)!

It was such a difficult decision but I've decided. And though I'm going to keep quiet about this to the public until the time comes, I'm comfortable writing about it on this blog because as far as I know, no one who knows me in real life reads it. ;)

I've decided to do a one year master's degree in journalism at the University of Hong Kong.

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