Cultural Journalism Campus 2016

I've been super busy recently because I joined the student journalism program Cultural Journalism Campus and was selected as one of the nine fellows in 2016. Basically, the program gave me access to the art scene during Hong Kong’s art week in March 2016, where I had the privilege to attend Art Basel, Art Central, Asia Contemporary Art Show and many other gallery openings, cocktail parties and auctions. It was a dream come true for me and it reconnected me with fine art - which has always been my passion, before I started specialising in architecture. My job throughout the week was to interview and report on the top dogs, gallerists, artists and anyone involved, which I was more than willing to do so. Art and writing - my favourites (stick food in and it'll be even better).

We even got to meet and interview Mark Spiegler, the global director of Art Basel! You can see a picture below (and I got to stand beside him haha).

If there's one thing I regret, it's not being able to spend more time on the program. You guys know I study full time (and it's the beginning of deadlines galore) and work part time, so I had to miss some lessons, take time off work and skip some events in order to do everything... mediocrely. I could've done better if I wasn't so swamped, but what can you do? It was an opportunity I just could not miss!

The works and exhibitions in the photos below:
  • A Path To Life solo exhibition of artist Li Yonggeng at Galerie du Monde
  • Mill6 Foundation's Social Fabric pop-up exhibition of artists Mariana Hahn and Kwan Sheung-chi at The Annex
  • Statement 3: New Sculpture from Germany exhibition at Goethe-Institut Hong Kong
Check out my Cultural Journalism Campus works on my online portfolio!

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