M+ Sigg Collection at Artistree

The only reason I decided to check out the M+ Sigg Collection in Artistree was because I saw that it was featuring one of my favourite art pieces by one of my favourite artists: Family Tree by Zhang Huan. Well okay, that wasn't the only reason of course, I am an art lover after all. But why did I just have to see Zhang Huan's work? Apart from the convenience of Artistree being close to where I live and all, it was because in Year 13 when I was doing the IB, I actually wrote my 4000-word extended essay on him - and one of the pieces I analysed in my essay was Family Tree. The fact that I got an A just made me love Zhang Huan so much more than I already did while writing the 4000 words (I mean, you wouldn't choose to write about an artist whose work you didn't like!).

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