Random: January, February & March 2016

The beginning of this year I transitioned from being a full time intern to a part time contributor at HK Magazine, obviously because the school semester had begun. My final semester of university - most probably ever, because this is my masters degree! I've been very busy these three months, which is why you've been seeing a lack of posts. I just haven't been out much because if I'm not at school, I'm at work. And if I'm neither, I'm trapped at home doing school work or work-work.

Photos include: Literally eating poop (they're tamarinds), trying out the unicorn slippers the N Girls got me for my 22nd birthday, a hardcore binge (I had more besides the wrappers pictured), my first expensive skin product, a perfectly heart-shaped cherry, Popin Cookin (Google it - it's not play dough, it's edible), meeting Angie Li for lunch, winning Liv Magazine and Coconut Matter's giveaway, using my Foodpanda $200 voucher (yes I do enter a lot of Facebook competitions as you guys know) and Easter!

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