RCHK Boat Party

One Sunday I joined Cherry and Maisie's high school friends on a boat trip! I know, it's so random cos I don't know anyone from RCHK. It kinda felt like I just barged in but they needed more people and I missed the ones I was invited to from people I know cos of my surgeries, so I thought, why not? Plus I thought it was a good opportunity to meet new people. HAHAHA. Dunno why antisocial me thought that cos I am possibly the worst person at socialising and making new friends :( I'm so awkward idk why! The boat trip itself wasn't bad though, it was pretty fun! (psst... it's actually my first ever boat trip OMG I'm such a no-lifer wtf...)

We had gorgeous weather that day... it was BOILING hot! Not complaining though because before that day it'd been raining nonstop in Hong Kong. Right after our boat trip came a typhoon as well so we were very, very lucky! Cos boat trips have to be booked and planned beforehand so basically the organiser was a great weather-predictor.

I just realised I've been so lucky this summer in terms of the weather. Like I went to the beach with Vikki and Sarah on the ONLY day it was sunny of that week... and this boat trip... I guess God really wants me to go out and get some sun cos I love to shut myself up at home and avoid tanning at all costs.

Haha I feel like such a little kid being so excited about the idea of a JUNK BOAT TRIP... when pretty much everyone I know have experienced it already. Bleh I'm so antisocial and sun-hating (and possibly self-hating at times cos I don't usually like to wear bikinis as I'm insecure) so I didn't get to go on a boat trip until ... well I'm 20 years old now LOL. Noob status to the extreme.

I actually laid down and tanned as well. ZOMG. This is such a huge deal for me because ever since I've been BORN, I've always hated tanning cos I tan so easily. This junk trip was actually the first time I felt grateful for tanning so easily cos I don't think I laid down intentionally for more than 30-45 minutes yet when I got home I had already visibly tanned. I have a tan line from like half an hour of tanning! Yay?

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