I actually did a draft on this post back when I had chickenpox last year in September, but I deleted the draft because in the end I decided I couldn't be bothered to finish with the post. But I'm about to write a post on my wisdom teeth removal surgery (all four out at once - wtf!) that took place last Wednesday and I couldn't stand the thought of the health tag having one less entry... LOL... man I'm so anal. So I'm gonna quickly write about my experience with getting chickenpox at 20 years old!
The thing with surgeries is: they make you so ugly. They make you so ugly physically and mentally and emotionally. So I didn't take any pictures of myself cos I just felt so disgusting the whole week and a half! Wait I lied... I do have pictures of myself, just not of my face, but my body... in a bikini top... ha ha but I'm not sure if I should upload those? They seem a bit too, um, revealing. To be posted online, I mean.
I blogged about how I discovered that I actually had chickenpox in this post, so read it if you haven't already! Since this was back in September, I'm gonna just post snippets from my diary that I write in daily. :) And yes, I do journal everyday! It's IRL of course, so I can draw and stick pictures and business cards of places I eat at and stuff inside. I actually wrote in it everyday in 2013 without fail. I'll show you guys in another entry!
Day 1: The night I first suspected myself of having chickenpox was the night I celebrated Jason's birthday with him (one week late, may I add). The past few days I'd already spotted a really weird pimple-like lump on my chest, which I'd scratched and consequently, burst. I remember showering and looking at it and realising that it wasn't a pimple because it didn't react in the way pimples did when they burst haha. In fact it looked more like a blister. But what really made me suspect that it was chickenpox was that I'd noticed a few more similar bumps appearing on my body! So I told my parents and they took a look at the bumps and concluded that it probably was chickenpox, and told me that we'd go to the doctor's the next day to check up.
Day 2: The second day of my chickenpox was my Mum's birthday. I've already blogged about going to the doctor's with her on the morning of her birthday (sorry!), then secretly getting a cake whilst sweating and sweating in discomfort. Anyway I was put officially on house arrest for a week that day. Felt very pissed off all day because I was really into running then and I couldn't go running anymore! (Apparently excessive exercise delays the healing process)
Day 3: Emailed my tutor and teachers and told them about my situation. Thought about how bullshit this virus was. Ulcers forming inside my mouth. Couldn't sleep at night. Sweated like a bitch. Itched everywhere and looked like a hormonal teenager (words from my journal haha).
Day 4: Wasn't supposed to the leave the house but I had a doctor's appointment in Tang Shiu Kin Hospital so I went anyway, at the risk of spreading it to everyone in proximity. At that point I didn't really care though cos I was (am) a selfish bitch and I was really bitter about the bitchass who passed the virus on to me in the first place.
Day 5: Was sick of eating homecooked food so Dad drove me to buy takeaway from restaurants outside. But that's off topic, that day my chickenpox wasn't getting worse anymore! It wasn't getting any better, but the worsening stopped.
Day 6: I just realised my "house arrest" wasn't actually house arrest because I actually went out for a bit everyday, haha. I went to see the psychologist at QM Hospital that day. Chickenpox was finally beginning to clear up so I could actually sit face-to-face with someone other than my parents and not feel super disgusting (but I still felt pretty gross).
Day 7: My first day back to school even though it wasn't recommended by my doctor - but it was the first quarter review and I could not miss that or I knew I'd fall behind.
Day 8: My chickenpox had passed! Well not exactly passed, but no new pox were popping up and the ulcers in my mouth were disappearing (finally). I still had deep scars all over my face and body though and those went on to take around two weeks to completely scab over.
Overall: I wouldn't say my chickenpox was super bad, it was madly uncomfortable but bearable. Maybe I had it good? I had iron-clad self control with not scratching the pox because I didn't want to scar. I would say the worst days were days two and three, with day four following closely behind. It was really hot in Hong Kong that time as well so I was itchy and sweaty and had to have the aircon on. In terms of medication, I took antibiotics and had to wash my mouth with mouthwash every night cos I had really bad ulcers... and a whole bunch of other pills. The worst part about my chickenpox experience was being trapped at home (so boring) and being unable to go to school because I fell pretty behind with schoolwork. Grateful I got the virus in September and not closer to the date of my final though!
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