All White Party

Blog post is titled so because our dress code for the evening was all white... I was going to name it "Mock-Hollister Party" because we were all joking about how we were dressed like the lame Hollister and A&F employees (a.k.a. fake American/British/Canadian-born-Chinese bitches) but now that I think about it, it doesn't make sense. All white = Hollister? What?

Well never mind that, the purpose of our all white dress code was to celebrate Hank and Llywelyn's birthdays! Funnily though both their birthdays were in June, and I think Hank's was even in mid-June. But it was simply impossible to get everyone free together cos we'd all quit our Year-out jobs by then and were flying away from Hong Kong for vacation at different times... so July 1st, a public holiday, was all we could manage. And even then, Clar could not make it.

The others actually had a pool party in the afternoon but I couldn't make it cos I had a driving lesson then a late-lunch date with Sarah. It was a public holiday too so I was stuck in traffic all minibus ride from Hang Hau MTR to Sai Kung Town Centre, then I had to line up for a taxi into Llywelyn's place... the line was so long I ended up wait two fucking hours! Luckily I'd bought 2lbs+ of grapes from Wellcome and I actually ate the whole box while in line.

And guess what? In the end, Llywelyn, Hank and Cherry joined me at the town centre and we bought takeaway Thai food for dinner together (though we did make some food ourselves), then they drove me back to the place. So I would've never gotten to Llywelyn's if I'd just waited for the taxi line to thin. Fml.

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