I Passed!

So, after nearly one year (but not quite yet okay), guess who finally passed her driving exam? But before you think I'm just you know, one of those 'typical women who can't drive', let me explain.

I changed driving instructors halfway through because my previous one was old and he could not even hear what I was asking him. I knew I'd fail, because he couldn't even explain the most basic concepts to me. Then I delayed my exam twice because I was really busy with work. And you know how it is when you work 9 to 6... I was only free to drive either on the weekends, where my new instructor would be nearly always fully booked, or on weeknights, but after a long day of work and in between my three-times-a-week Nutrition classes, I didn't really have the time nor energy.

Then the first time I took my exam in February, I passed Part B (parking etc) but failed the road test. I was examined on the Happy Valley route, so if you're familiar with Hong Kong, you'd know how fucking busy those streets are. Cars parked all over the lanes, school buses, people shooting out into the road from every direction. I think it's one of the hardest routes in Hong Kong. But never mind, I passed my exam the second time around during rush hour (after I quit my Year-out job, may I add!).

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