Meet Up with Jeremy 3

Erm, I think out of all my not-my-inner-group friends from South Island, I meet up with Jeremy the most... I mean we definitely don't meet up often, but we actually do meet up at least twice a year, which is good! But it means I've accumulated quite a few repetitive pictures of us. Either way, it's actually quite nice that he likes to selfcam as much as I do!

These two pictures weren't taken in winter, obviously, looking at our clothes... I think we met up once in September or October? I never posted the pictures up cos it felt strange to have an entry with just two photos LOL so I'll just stuff them into this entry!

Met up again in the beginning of 2014 for lunch, then we just walked around in Mongkok. Omg damn funny, we were going to eat Gyujin but they raised the price of their lunch hotpot buffet from $58 to $88 and we didn't want to pay the extra $30... so we went to Watami instead. And Jeremy didn't know what Watami was! Omg I was so shocked, it's such a common staple eating place for everyone I know. Idk why I found it so funny haha!

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