What's Cookin', Good Lookin'?

Please take a moment to laugh because in the last quarter of 2013, when I began my weight gain journey, I also began to cook. I KNOW RIGHT. Charmaine, cooking? Charmaine, moving in general? Charmaine, being independent? *distant mocking laughter is heard*

Okay to be fair enough, I wouldn't really call heating up raw food "cooking". And most of the time I eat unhealthily outside anyway. I guess I started making my own food when I got the chickenpox in September, because I was put under house arrest then and I was just bored out of my wits. And there was no one at home with me all day to cook for me... so I had to fend for myself. And honestly eating junk food as meals only gets you satisfied so far. After three meals I was sick of junk food (but not sick enough to stop me from binging on it at night times).

All of the food below accompanied with an unpictured bowl of rice! Except for salads.

Ending with a picture of me (that I uploaded a long, long time ago onto Instagram, if I remember correctly) just because this is my blog and I can. ;)

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Charmaaaine what editor did you use to label your food?