SNAP HK Photoshoot

Went to SNAP HK to do a self-photoshoot with the N's Girls after our high tea in C'est La B (previous entry)! Admittedly not the best time to have a photoshoot because our tummies were bloated from the cakes and sweets, but never mind. Self-photoshoots are all the rage with teenybopper to twenty-something girls in Hong Kong right now. Really fits the self-absorbed, princess-orientated, narcissistic personalities of Hong Kong girls (hey, I'm one of them, so I'm not dissing!).

We took about 130 photos in the span of forty-five minutes... not bad! But most of the pictures we snapped in the beginning are super ugly haha. I'm gonna upload some of them here for myself to look back at, but I've omitted the WORST ones... (some of them are really wtf cos we were just randomly picking up props)

Okay that's all I'm gonna upload. Some of them are really loltastic, but I kept the funniest and most embarrassing ones to myself HAHA. When we looked back at our photos we couldn't stop laughing cos some of them were so bad! You know, like with us in the midst of blinking and other fugly expressions. You can't even imagine...

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