Family Stanley Day

As one of our belated new year's resolutions, my parents and I decided to dedicate one day a month to have a "Family Outdoors Day" where we go somewhere somehow nature-related for at least the afternoon. Reason being... we may look like a normal family on the outside, but actually we are really dysfunctional. My parents hate celebrating in general - that goes for every single special occasion, including birthdays, anniversaries, milestones like graduation, Christmas, new years... you name it. In fact, we've only just started celebrating my parent's birthdays because I began to insist on it. And we've only just started going out for dinner more often because I began to insist on it. If I never opened my mouth, my parents would be content living the rest of their lives shelled up at home.

So you can imagine. If my parents hate the idea of even stepping outside into the city, they definitely would not step into nature. And surprisingly, it was my Mum who brought up the idea of these monthly family days. Maybe she was temporarily abducted by aliens?

For our first trip, we took it easy and chose Stanley as our destination - a outdoorsy sort of town. My Mum invited my Grandma and Uncle along and off we went. We visited all the typical places - the Stanley Market, Stanley Main Street, the waterfront promenade, Murray House, Stanley Plaza and Blake Pier. In the evening, we had dinner at Chez Patrick Deli because we needed to choose a restaurant in Stanley Plaza for the free parking - ha ha.

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