Spending the First Day of 2015 at OVOCAFÉ

The first day of the new year was, of course, a public holiday, but I think most people use this day to sleep in because most were probably out late the night before. I slept in too, even though all I did was snack at home on fruits until 4AM (okay, I know I really have no life, shut up). But as the sun began to set, I started feeling restless because I felt like I was wasting my holidays. Luckily, I'd already made plans to meet up with the South Island bunch... and so we went out for dinner!

I don't know why we picked Wanchai but that's where we went. Janet wanted to try the Cupping Room, but it was closed at dinner time. After wandering around and looking for a nice café to settle down at because it was only around 5PM, we decided on OVOCAFÉ, a very... um, nature-themed vegetarian café. It was beautiful and it was connected to a environmentally-friendly store with lots of magazines for you to read. It had also been on Janet's and my To-Go List for ages so it was perfect! Because it was the first day of the new year, I'm guessing that most people would dine at actual restaurants to celebrate, so it wasn't crowded at all - usually it is packed, according to my research. It was so chill and nice we ended up having dinner there actually! :)

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