A few things worth mentioning though - I got my first online orders! I know, I'm 21, but I've never experienced online shopping and delivery. Not first hand anyway, haha. I got my orders from American Apparel, Boomf marshmallows for my parents as their Christmas gift (though it came after Christmas cos I didn't order on time), supplements from iHerb and my own graduation-slash-Christmas present for myself: my Bandai 15th Anniversary Digivice! I actually pre-ordered it back in June when it first came online and let me tell you, it did not come cheap at nearly $800. But I knew I had to get it cos Digimon and the original Digimon Adventure 01 Digivice was basically my childhood (in addition to Pokemon). Wait, scrub that - Digimon and Pokemon are still with me on a day to day basis because I still watch the original Digimon Adventure 01 from time to time and I still play the Pokemon games (can someone get me a 3DS and ORAS already?).

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