Exploring PoHo on the First Weekend of 2015

My first date with Jason in 2015 consisted of an exploration of PoHo (near SoHo, but more to the Sheung Wan side), followed by a brief stop for dessert in Western Market then Mongkok for shopping and dinner. I actually had an appointment in Causeway Bay in the morning, but I was late for it (fail) and had to reschedule it to the following day. I guess the only good thing that came out of my lateness was that Jason and I got a little more extra time to bag good seats for lunch at Corner Kitchen Café, which I'd wanted to try out since forever!

We planned to take pretty pictures that day with my polaroid camera and test out my new selfie stick he'd given me for Christmas, but stupid me forgot to charge the selfie stick... technically you can still use it without it being charged, just that the bluetooth wouldn't work and instead of pressing the "take photo" button on the iPhone, you'd have to use the timer. Which er, when I think about it now, kinda defeats the purpose of a selfie stick. Anyway. Lunch was yummilicious and worth its price, which is saying a lot about an eatery located in the SoHo area. Corner Kitchen Café also provided a self-service table for unlimited hot water, perfect for a cold day! I was a satisfied girl. :)

We trekked around PoHo for a while, all the way up to Café Deadend and its bakery sister Po's Atelier, so you can imagine how much we walked (and uphill too!). By the late afternoon, I was frozen solid from the cold weather, so we headed back down to Western Market in Sheung Wan, wandered around inside, before settling down at Honeymoon Dessert for tea.

I wanted to stay in the Hong Kong Island area for the purpose of saving transport money, but really, there wasn't much left to do in the area, so we went to Mongkok and I finally went to Argyle Centre and New Town Mall - really love the cheap clothes galore but I must be the oldest person there now! All the girls there were in their early teenage years! Yet I do find that clothes there fit me the best because they're small (I mean, even H&M and Forever 21 sizes are too big for me I have to buy from the kid's section...) and obviously because they're so damn cheap, haha. Quality-wise though... hmm... it's really a compromise. After only looking through half the malls, Jason dragged me away for dinner at California Pizza Kitchen once again. I demanded to go back to shopping afterwards though. :P

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