Boxing Day Family Potluck Dinner

Christmas is a time for family, and my Dad's side of the family randomly decided to have a Christmas dinner! Well, to be exact it was a Boxing Day dinner because it took place on the 26th. My Aunt actually brought this idea up, and our family decided to make it a potluck dinner where we all contribute something to the dinner table. The location was super inconvenient and far away though - at my Aunt's place in Lake Silver, which is all the way near Ma On Shan. I'm so bad with directions that I actually got off at the wrong MTR station because I went separately from my family, as I was in Causeway Bay before dinner time to meet up with Erica.

The dinner itself was great and I'm honestly so happy that my Aunt brought up the idea, even if her home is pretty much in China, LOL. Family time is always the best time, I'm glad I realised this quite early on! Pictured below isn't even all the food we had because their table couldn't fit so much, so we had to bring everything out in rounds. Bloated to the max afterwards!

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