HKU Architecture Graduation 2014: Graduation Carnival

Graduation Series:
Part 1  |  Part 2  |  Part 3  |  Part 4  |  Part 5

The weekend following the actual Graduation Congregation, I went back to HKU with my paternal grandparents to take pictures at the HKU Class of 2014 Graduation Carnival.

It was... erm, not a great success. The university was packed with graduates of all levels and their families and friends all taking photos. I could barely get close to the additional carnival decorations and if I did, I was hurried by the huge line of graduates waiting for their turn. Plus, we didn't have a photographer or a professional camera, and the people taking our pictures were my grandparents and parents themselves... and you know old people and cameras... they can barely click the button, much less focus and find a nice composition. The photos you'll see in this blog post have to cropped and rotated by yours truly painstakingly - I am not joking when I say it took hours.

I'm not complaining though - it was a nice meet up with my Maamaa and Yeye. After all, the photos don't really matter at all, what was important was that I spent quality time with my grandparents. :)

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