HKU Architecture Graduation 2014: Photoshoot at SNAP Hong Kong!

Graduation Series:
Part 1  |  Part 2  |  Part 3  |  Part 4  |  Part 5

The N-Girls and I decided that we should make our photoshoots at SNAP Hong Kong a yearly ritual just to see how much we change every year. This was only the "second year" actually, but I really hope that we continue this tradition even though I know it might be difficult with the possibility of everyone flying off to different countries for their postgraduate studies. But I guess that's life? :(

It was really hard to get everybody to agree on a date to meet up! Firstly, we had to choose an available time from the photoshoot centre itself, then we had to accommodate five people's busy schedules. And trust me, with the girls and their sociable lives (the anti-social me is not included in this description of course, ha ha), we changed the appointment time quite a bit before we finally settled down.

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