When Two Kale Lovers Meet...

It's officially springtime in Hong Kong! The weather is so warm now I'd gladly take the humidity, despite my exploding frizzy hair. I can finally rock tshirts and shorts! Clar and I decided to meet up again since I owed her money from my iHerb haul so we went to Café Deadend - mainly because I saw in the photos everyone had been sharing on social media that there were pink blooming flowers, haha.

The last time I was at Café Deadend was... okay it was a month back for a cup of tea, but before that, when I actually went for food, was two years ago! The prices have gone up but otherwise, everything still tastes really good and the environment is priceless as always. The only shitty thing was the mosquito bites.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good look, I love the adidas sneakers... very cute !